Our Cars

Tracking Check

Quick tracking check and what do I bump in to….Another Classic Ford! A Lovely Mk1 Lotus Cortina kitted out with Halda Tripmaster and clocks, Mint! With the tracking sorted from the great service from AA Silencers in Cheadle it was time for a test run, that’s my excuse anyway!

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Time for a Spring Clean

Decided to get the Mex summer ready by popping down to Autobrite Direct and treat her to a 2 stage paint correction and a 5 year ceramic coating. Did not think it was possible to look even more Yellow, but yes looks amazing! Would be rude not to go out …

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The Rebuild Starts!

No sooner than the muck was cleaned off then the rebuild started! Good to see that not much damage to the structural stuff.

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New Plates

The rain stopped just long enough for me to fit some new number plates and go out for a spin! I decided to go for aluminium press plates with the old letter spacing as I have a old photo of the car with the same style plates on. next job …

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Keeping the Rain out!

Now the Escort is home one of the jobs on the ‘ToDo’ list was to keep the moisture out of it! but shopping around no one had a bubble available that would fit in my garage…Sounds like a challenge! My first plan was to make my own bubble using a …

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Mk2 Mexico Update

After what seems like a lifetime my Mk2 Mexico is finally finished, and after a long trailer ride home had time to nip out for a run with Ju in his Mk1. The car was already filthy from sitting on the trailer for 225 miles so a few more in …

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Drivetrain Update 4×4 Transfer Box

So finally found all of the new seals needed and the rebuild is complete! looks nice and clean now. Bolts and clips zinked, casings aqua blasted and painted ready for the rebuild Before and after shot, now just need a car to bolt it too!

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Mk2 Mexico Update

Just before Christmas I managed to pop down to see the recent work on my Mk2 Mexico and to drop off some more bits to be fitted. Engine and box now in, all the ancillaries in progress and front loom next up!

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Transfer Box Fun

Up next in the drivetrain refurb was the transfer box, which proved to be bit more of a pain compared to the gearbox! With no part numbers for most of the seals the search for FINIS numbers turned into a search for oil seal manufactures! So the good news once …

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Mk5 4×4 Update

One of the job’s on the Mk5 was to get the transmission checked over just in case I needed to find any replacements or spare parts. After a bit of a search I managed to find someone close to me who would strip the gearbox, diff and transfer box and …

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